
Benvenuti a 2019!


Welcome to the year and to Term 1 Italian.

We are looking forward to another full year of Italian in the Primary school with our Calligram and Speech competitions to look forward to as well as our Italian day. In our Italian lunch time club we will be exploring the tradition of the Sbandieratori or flag ‘throwers’ and creating our own routine.

This year in the classroom, things will look a little different as the Years 3 to 6 will be experiencing their learning through a collaborative and communicative process called TPRS (teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling). This involves a lot of interaction and greater use of their Italian language engaging them more in the learning process and as a result, enabling them to feel more confident in their language production. It also has the bonus of being a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to working with the students this year in this way.

Prep to Year 2 won’t miss out on the fun in our learning though as we continue with learning through songs, games and stories. The initial focus for the whole Primary will give our new students a chance to be exposed to some of our basic language around greetings, colours and numbers to allow for others to refresh their memory as we move into talking about ourselves and others (introductions and descriptions).


Signorina Johnson
Languages Teacher

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